What we do ?

We facilitate a platform for harmonization, dialogue and advocacy

  • Promote Transformative consciousness
  • Promote New Socio-Economic model
  • On-line & physical interactions, meetings and workshops.
  • Community engagements
  • Support work of various organisations – Moral & Technical
  • Dissemination of information, views & key messages.

Our focus is to impact five key areas


Public Policy Engagement

To ensure that public policy and implementation is ethically informed and enhanced. The key activities include engaging political parties, government and society on a new economic paradigm and socio-economic model that supports community driven development.


Institutional Development

To improve the impact of organisations in relation to socio-economic justice and development. The key activities include harmonising and collaborating with various organisations to deepen and orientate their own work and to synergise the work of various organisations.


Social Cohesion

To promote harmonious relations and solidarity in society. Some of the key activities include various interaction programmes on justice, peace, anti-racism and leadership as well as running workshops, study circles and reading clubs in communities.


Community Development

To build self-sustaining communities. The key activities include engaging communities on the new socio- economic model and piloting the model including a system of matching and connecting communities with resources.


MUSA's Growth

To build and sustain the profile, capability and outreach of MUSA both as an organanisation and as a collaborative movement.

+27 (0) 824 581 150
